
Introducing me: 

HI! Welcome to my wordpressBlog. My name is Félix Montagnon, I’m a student in game art at Lisaa, Paris (France.)

I have been living in paris all of my life, since i was litlle boy i love video game, 3D/2D animation, movies. In my mid-teens i have drawing a lot. When i have the opportunity to learn video game art, i immediately do that.

I was very interisting by the video game art and more particularly by 3D modeler mapper.

The software I use regularly was:

  • Zbrush4, 3Ds max, Photoshop, Xnormal and Uv layout.

I am currently looking for internship as 3D Modeler mapper (environment/character design) for summer 2013.

I invite you to explore my wordpressBlog and see the projects I was working on.

Thank you for your time ,and your consideration.phtoto id

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